LETU Newsfeed (Digital Signage)


LETU Newsfeed is the campus digital signage system which feeds announcement content to displays all over campus as well as online at letu.tv/sign/main! After you read the digital signage content guidelines in the first tab below, you can submit content requests using the form in the second tab!

  • Digital Signage Guidelines
  • Digital Signage Request Form

General Guidelines

  • Digital signage announcements should be intended to advertise campus events or services that impact a large group of students.
  • The primary audience for digital signage is students. If your announcement is intended for faculty/staff it will be displayed on the web announcement feed at letu.edu/fac-staff.html.
  • Signage requests are displayed on digital signage screens throughout campus. Requests for chapel announcements should be sent to chapel@letu.edu
  • Announcements may be displayed for up to two weeks prior to an event, or for two total weeks when advertising an on-going service. If an announcement is needed for longer than two weeks, a new slide request with an updated image or fresh information should be submitted to prevent the digital signage audience from tuning it out.

Submission Guidelines

  • Email address: should belong to the person submitting the request who would be able to answer any questions pertaining to the event or service being advertised.
  • Announcement type:
    • Event - announcement pertaining to an event that has a date and/or time associated with it (i.e. club meeting, YAC activity, etc.)
    • Service - may or may not have a date and/or time associated
  • Event/Announcement Title: Short and concise title for the event or service
  • Event Location: Physical or online location
  • Event Description/Announcement Text:
    • This is the actual content of your announcement. Please include 2-3 sentences describing your event to your target audience. Think of this as the text you might include in a newspaper ad. Important links or contact information are great to include as well.
    • You are limited to 6 lines of text on a slide. Please include only the most important information.
  • Image File:
    • An image may be included on your slide if you wish. Please make sure to submit a JPEG or PNG at least 700 pixels wide. If you have a larger file size, please compress your image prior to submitting it. You can compress files 5 MB or smaller for free at tinypng.com.
    • Images should not include informative text regarding the event. Images with text will not be displayed.
    • Landscape orientation is more visually appealing in this format.

Example Slides

Slide without image


Slide with image