School of Theology and Vocation

Discovering Our Calling in the Life and Mission of God

The School of Theology and Vocation plays an important role in equipping the university to participate in God's mission of redemption in this world. Leading both students and faculty in thoughtful engagement between the Bible, academics, and spiritual formation,  the school facilitates faith integration and encourages the discovery of our unique callings.

The 12-hour Theology and Vocation Core gives every student the opportunity to think deeply about how spiritual life, academics, and work are interconnected. Students who want to dig even deeper can enrich their studies with our suite of minors. And those students who sense God calling them into fields of Christian ministry, pastoral care, cross-cultural missions or Christian education will get the training they need with one of our three majors: Scripture and Theology, Christian Ministry, and Theological Studies.  Whatever the course of study, our international and world-class faculty is here to encourage all LETU students to discover their purpose in life in the life and mission of God.


Student Experience In Biblical Studies & Christian Ministries

  • Students explore how the triune nature of God informs and clarifies their understanding of the Christian life and the work of Christian ministry.
  • Students learn how the Bible fits together as one unified narrative about God's mission and love for the world.
  • Students deepen their skills in biblical interpretation and leadership.
  • Students have the opportunity to experience faculty-led trips to the Middle East as part of the Physical Settings of the Bible course. Recent destinations have included Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Italy and Greece.
  • All of the full-time Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries faculty:
    • Affirm a high view of Scripture, recognizing the truth and authority of God's Word.
    • Have a Ph.D. in their fields and have ministry experience, so all the courses integrate practical application with rigorous academics.
    • Have ministered in international contexts (e.g. Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica, Russia, Nigeria, Kenya, Scotland, and the Czech Republic).
    • Have contributed to their fields through publications and conference papers.