The Passage Fellowship

The heart of Passage is the Fellowship, a carefully crafted year-long immersion in Christian theology and practices in which youth are encouraged and empowered to follow Jesus wherever he calls. We ask God to transform Passage Fellows to respond to God's call in all areas of life. The key components of the Fellowship include an on-campus theology camp in the summer, an intentional mentoring relationship with a caring Christian leader, and a service project for the benefit of the local church.


  • Key Features
  • Residential Experience
  • Mentoring
  • Cost


  • engaging directly with LeTourneau University Theology Faculty
  • participating in two meaningful and exciting weeks of mission projects, outdoor activities, worship, and theological study on LeTourneau University’s Longview, Texas campus
  • developing a mentoring relationship with a leader from the local church
  • designing and implementing a project for the local church
  • earning up to $68,000 in scholarships

The Passage Fellowship begins and ends with a week-long residential experience on LeTourneau University’s Campus in Longview, Texas for an intensive week of study, worship, and practice.

Seminars will be led by LeTourneau University’s Theology Faculty as Passage Fellows delve into classic Christian theology. But don’t merely think of “ivory tower” theology. Passage Fellows will take the ideas learned in the classroom to the community through mission projects and outdoor adventures. Also, considerable time will be given to nurturing the student’s inner life and developing Christian community. Think of it as an academic retreat that incorporates local missions, camp, and discipleship.

When students return to campus for their final residential experience, they act as leaders to the new incoming class of fellows, in addition to participating in advanced theology seminars. 

This sample daily schedule gives you a good idea of a typical day at camp.

8am Breakfast
9am Worship
10am Vocation conversation led by a local Christian leader
12pm Lunch
1pm Theology class led by School of Theology and Vocation Faculty
3pm Explore Christian practices or participate in a service opportunity
5pm Dinner
7pm Group games and free time

Following the week long camp, Passage Fellows embark on a year of intentional mentoring. Passage Fellows will meet every other week with their mentor as they journey in taking classic Christian theological principles and putting them into practice in their everyday lives. Passage Institute will provide discipleship resources to guide Fellows and their mentors in these conversations. 

During the mentoring year, Fellows will design and implement a project for their church and community. A one-day retreat will be held at LeTourneau University in January of the mentoring year for all Passage Fellows and their mentors. The focus of the retreat is the development of the project. Additionally, the Passage Leadership Team will be in consistent personal and virtual contact to assist in the execution and evaluation of the project.

Finding a Mentor

Passage Institute will facilitate the Fellows being partnered with a mentor from their local church. Each mentor will complete an application and review process as we consider their willingness, commitment, and aptitude for being a Passage mentor. Passage mentors will attend a one-day retreat in September for training, which will equip them with the tools and resources needed to be an effective mentor.

The cost of the Fellowship is $360. This includes one week of summer camp with on-campus room and board and all activities. Students will also benefit from faculty support throughout their mentoring year, as well as participate in the mid-year retreat with their mentor.

While the Fellowship experience is valued at $4,000, we are grateful we are able to offer this highly discounted rate thanks for a generous grant from the Lilly Foundation, Inc and our supporters. 

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