Science Seminar


"Through the Kaleidoscope: A Dynamic, Panchromatic Look at Supermassive Black Holes"



Krista Smith, Assistant Professor, Southern Methodist University

Glaske C101, October 20, 11:00 am

LeTourneau University, Longview, TX 



Active galactic nuclei are supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies, that are actively accreting vast quantities of matter and producing enormous energies. They provide unique laboratories for violent physical processes like highly relativistic jets and turbulent accretion flows. A thorough understanding of these objects and their profound effect on galaxy evolution now depends upon synthesizing observations across many wavelengths and understanding their time evolution. In particular, high-resolution radio imaging surveys of outflows and star formation and timing observations with breakthrough instruments like the Kepler and TESS exoplanet-hunting missions have provided new exciting insights. In my talk, I will discuss the my 22 GHz radio survey of jets and outflows from accreting nuclear black holes and implications for galaxy-wide star formation suppression. I will also discuss time domain results in accretion physics and binary black holes from the Kepler and TESS active galaxy samples, and the exciting range of new science expected from upcoming time domain surveys