Science Seminar

Speaker: Min Y. Pack, Ph.D.
Title: Probing the nanoscale in the lifecycle of droplets
November 3, 2022

The grand sustainability challenges with respect to food, energy, and environment are growing increasingly important as resources grow increasingly scarce. Nevertheless, there exists many industrial processes that lack a fundamental understanding of the competing forces that interplay for streamlined processes. For instance, the application of agrochemicals to increase crop yield requires knowledge of how droplet motion is connected to gas transport and the subsequent contact dynamics is yet still in its nascent stages of development. Post-deposition, the way a droplet dries and transports colloidal particles is relevant to the fabrication of solar cells and organic light emitting devices. At what point does the micro/nanoscale transport processes meet the macroscale observation? How might we visualize and control such transitions? All of these questions fall under the realm of interfacial science and the ability to harness surface phenomena will provide avenues for meeting the sustainability challenges of tomorrow.


Min obtained his bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science from Pennsylvania State University in 2012 and master’s degree in Sustainable Engineering from Villanova University in 2014. In 2017, he obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Drexel University in the area of complex fluids and multiphase flows, where his research mainly focused on the experimental and theoretical understanding of the air entrainment problem in drop impact as well as the physics of colloid deposition in the inkjet printing technology. Min also conducted postdoctoral work with Prof. Howard Stone in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department at Princeton University, where he worked on a range of fluid dynamics problems. Min is currently an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Baylor University where his research is broadly in the field of interfacial fluid mechanics.