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Science Seminar

Extraterrestrial Intellectual Property Law: status and future trajectory

April 27, 11:00 am, Glaske C101

LeTourneau University, Longview, TX


Presented by Gary DeBoer

 The Artemis project includes plans for human lunar habitations and the development of lunar resources to manufacture vehicles to send astronauts to Mars.  Given that intellectual property law is territorial, how does current national, international, and extraterrestrial intellectual property law and Space treaties address inventions in outer space?  Are current laws adequate or is there a need to develop more robust extraterrestrial intellectual property law?  Upon what terrestrial values should extraterrestrial intellectual property law be based?  Are there any historical parallels that might be helpful in the development of extraterrestrial IP law?  This talk will review the status of extraterrestrial intellectual property law, will explore future scenarios, and will take your input and thoughts on which scenarios best reflects the values we hope to be reflected in extraterrestrial intellectual property law.