Welcome to Starfish

Starfish provides you with a central location to connect to the people and services that can help you finish what you start—all accessible from the side navigation menu of your Starfish Home page. Log in to your Starfish homepage by clicking here.

The navigation menu includes access to a customizable profile and personalized channels that make it easy to schedule time with your instructors, advisors and other university personnel. Starfish can also help you manage the steps you need to take to stay on track and meet your goals.

See the information below to get started or click here for a helpful "Getting Started" PDF.

Set up your profile

Begin by setting up your student profile. Your profile lets instructors and advisors know who you are and how to contact you. It also gives you control over how you wish to receive emails.   

1.  Open the navigation menu and click your name, and then Profile to open your profile. 

  • From here, you can customize your profile by uploading a photo, setting appointment reminders and adding a secondary email address for receiving Starfish emails, such as a personal email that is accessible on your mobile phone.

2. Once you have made your desired changes to your profile, click the "Submit" button to save your updates

Demo Video: Student Profile

Connect to people and services that can help you

Use your personalized My Success Network and Courses channels for quick access to contact information, appointment scheduling and course help.

The My Success Network and Courses channels display the people and services that are available to help you succeed. Here you can find key contact information as well as links to student service web sites and online appointment scheduling. 


My Success Network

Select My Success Network from the navigation menu to display your personalized network. This channel lists the people and resources that are available to assist you. For each person or service listed, you will find contact information, supporting websites, and, if online scheduling is enabled, a link to Schedule Appointment. If a service includes a waiting room for walk-in appointments, you can click the “Waiting Room” link to find out how many students are currently in line. 

The Services that are most relevant to you are displayed first. Select Show Other Services at the bottom of the page to see additional services.

Demo Video: Student Success Network


Select Courses from the side navigation menu to display information about courses you are enrolled in as well as contacts and available support related to each. Like the My Success Network channel, it is personalized to show the people and services specific to the courses you are taking and gives you the ability to Schedule Appointment or Request Help related to a course.  


Make an Appointment

  1. From the My Success Network, click the triangle beside the name of the person you want to schedule an appointment with and then select Schedule.
  2. For Services where appointments are available, select Schedule for the desired service. Or, from the Courses channel, select Schedule Appointment below the contact information for the desired person or service.
  3. Select the type of appointment you want to schedule and choose a reason from the list.
  4. Adjust the date range as needed to find days and times that work for your schedule, and then select a time from the list.
  5. Complete your sign up by adjusting any details, such as duration or course, where applicable, and add a description for why you want to meet.
  6. Click Confirm to finish scheduling the appointment. You will get an email with the appointment details and the appointment will be listed on the Upcoming tab.

Change an Appointment

On the Upcoming tab, you can view scheduled appointments and make changes. Click on an appointment to make changes to it, such as changing the location or duration, when available. You can cancel the appointment by clicking the ellipsis and selecting Cancel appointment.

Request Help

  1. Click the Help icon link in the upper right corner next to any of the courses in which you are currently enrolled.
  2. This will bring up the Request Help form. Select the Type of help needed from the drop-down menu and give specific Details on how staff can assist you.
  3. Click the Submit button to submit your request when you are finished.

Stay on track

Use the upcoming tab to keep track of upcoming appointments, and your personalized Dashboard to see assignments, plans, and recommendations from your instructors. 


Your Dashboard also displays upcoming appointments as well as date-based tasks on the left to help you plan your week. The right-hand column of your Dashboard highlights items that require your attention and may include alerts related to your class work, recommended referrals to campus support offices to help you succeed, and Kudos from your instructors.


The Success Plans channel will display any customized success plans created for you by your advisor. These plans contain specific tasks with due dates. Click the View Details button associated with a plan to display a printable version of the plan.


Request Help

Select Request Help from the navigation menu to see information about where to go for assistance. From here, you can select Help Me to submit a request for help. You will be asked to provide additional information such as the type of help you are requesting, the related course (if applicable), and a description.

We encourage you to make your description as detailed as possible to insure you get the appropriate help needed. Click Submit to submit your request when done.