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COVID-19 Updates

This page collecting updates on COVID-19's impact throughout the Spring 2020 semester is no longer being maintained.

For current information related to our plans for returning to campus for the Fall 2020 semester, visit our Welcome Back Initiative page.

April 14, 2020

With the Easter holiday behind us, the completion of the spring 2020 semester is near. I want to thank again our students, faculty and staff for their flexibility, patience and persistence during these unusual circumstances. I remain overwhelmed with the dedication of all in the LeTourneau University family. Whether in person or online, LeTourneau University remains committed to loving God and others with exceptional higher education in a Christian community. 

Registration for summer and fall courses is underway. Please know we are here to help with answers and advice as you navigate your educational plans for the upcoming semesters. Here is some helpful guidance:

  • All online summer courses will continue as planned.
  • All in-person summer courses during the month of May will be delivered online.
  • We will continue to evaluate the opportunity for in-person instruction in summer courses after May; and this may include special consideration for aviation students.
  • There are no new on-campus housing arrangements available for the month of May. This does not impact those students currently approved to remain in campus housing during the summer months.

Again, we will continue to monitor additional local, state and federal guidelines and update our University community regarding in-person summer courses and summer housing. By Monday, May 11, 2020, we will communicate plans regarding in-person courses and on campus housing for the remainder of the summer (June and July).

The safety of LeTourneau students, staff and faculty remains our utmost priority. Thanks for your flexibility as this national health emergency continues.

April 6, 2020

The City of Longview and Gregg County issued a shelter-in-place order on March 25, 2020. This order began on Thursday, March 26, 2020 and is scheduled to conclude on Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. During this time, Governor Abbott (TX) issued a shelter-in-place order for Texas. At this time, we do not anticipate local and regional authorities renewing or issuing additional orders. Instead, our local community will follow the guidelines issued by Governor Abbott. The guidelines issued by Texas are essentially the same as those issued by the City of Longview and Gregg County. We do not anticipate any changes at this time to the University’s response to the shelter-in-place guidelines.

Governor Abbott’s order is scheduled to conclude on April 30, 2020. The Governor’s order is available to view at

The University’s remote workplace will continue until further notice and will communicate when guidelines change. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we navigate these circumstances together.

Update from Dr. Pat Mays

Here’s the latest spiritual life video from our campus pastor, Dr. Pat Mays.

April 3, 2020

Update from Dr. Kristy Morgan, Vice President of Student Affairs

We would love to hear from our faculty, staff and students about your LeTourneau experiences as we continue the semester with online instruction. Please submit photos or videos to for social media and website content or post to your own social media platforms and tag LeTourneau University and use the hashtag #oneletourneau.

April 1, 2020


Today’s video from LeTourneau University’s Office of Spiritual Life is a special message to our seniors. We recognize they particularly have been affected by the pandemic, and we wanted to offer encouragement. The video features LETU senior nursing major, Andre Huegel. Also, Dr. Mays shares a few thoughts inspired by Switchfoot and Abraham’s call. While it’s geared to seniors, it offers good advice for all of us during this time.

March 31, 2020

This past Sunday, the federal government released renewed guidelines for social distancing. These guidelines extend through the month of April 2020. LeTourneau University’s Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) continues to monitor these federal, state, and local developments and will communicate direct and indirect implications for our University community. CIRT and several University departments have committed to daily communication regarding the University’s response to COVID-19 over the past few weeks. Daily communication will continue through the end of this week. A schedule for this week’s communication is listed below. Following this week, we will move to communication every other day. This communication schedule is subject to change based any new or relevant COVID-19 updates. 

  • Wednesday, April 1, 2020 – Dr. Pat Mays (Spiritual Life)
  • Thursday, April 2, 2020 – Dr. Lunsford (University Update)
  • Friday, April 3, 2020 – Dr. Kristy Morgan (Student Affairs Update)

Please continue to following guidelines and updates provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at

As a reminder, you can access all of the University’s communication related to COVID-19 at

Although our students, faculty and staff are scattered across many places, we are still one community committed to supporting, serving and caring for one another. Regardless of academic instructional formats or geographic location, we are #oneLeTourneau. We encourage our students, faculty and staff to submit their photos, videos and stories highlighting the ongoing excellence of a LeTourneau University education and experience. Content can be submitted to or posted to your personal social media platforms using the hashtag #oneLeTourneau and tagging the University. We hope you will join us in celebrating how God is at work in the lives of our students, faculty and staff.

Today’s communication is provided by CIRT.

March 30, 2020


Today's communication is from our Campus Pastor, Dr. Pat Mays. Check out his video message, at left.

March 27, 2020


Please join us in viewing a recent message from university provost, Dr. Steven Mason, to the LeTourneau University community.

Today’s communication includes a video message from LeTourneau University’s Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Steven Mason. 

We would love to hear from our faculty, staff and students about your LeTourneau experiences as we continue the semester with online instruction. Please submit photos or videos to for social media and website content or post to your own social media platforms and tag LeTourneau University and use the hashtag #oneletourneau.

We will continue to provide daily communication to our University community. All communication can be viewed at the link above.

March 26, 2020

Yesterday afternoon, the City of Longview and Gregg County announced a mandatory shelter-in-place order. This order begins on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. and is scheduled to conclude on Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. Details about this order are found at (link expired).

We recognize that many LeTourneau University employees do not reside in the City of Longview or Gregg County. However, because LeTourneau is located within these limits, this two-week directive will impact our University community.

LeTourneau’s Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) has been preparing for the possibility of a shelter-in-place directive. Based on yesterday’s announcement from the City of Longview and Gregg County and the detailed planning by CIRT, the following items apply to all LeTourneau University employees.

  1. All faculty and staff are required to work from home until further notice.
  2. Access to campus and all LETU locations is limited to employees identified as critical to continue on-campus operations.
  3. CIRT has identified this critical personnel list. Your direct supervisor, Cabinet Member or Academic Dean will communicate to all employees that are on this critical personnel list. If you do not receive that specific communication, you are required to work from home.
  4. In the case that a faculty or staff member must come to campus within the specified timeframe above, we request that you communicate with your Cabinet Member or Academic Dean for approval.
  5. As a reminder, faculty and staff need to retrieve any important work-related items from their campus office by the end of today (Thursday, March 26, 2020).

We recognize the impact these unprecedented circumstances have on our work and personal lives. Thank you for your continued commitment to the University mission, the incredible level of flexibility and agility, the focus on delivering a great LeTourneau education and for the support and love that you are providing others. We will navigate these circumstances together and continue to pray that God will help and protect those in need and that He will be glorified in our response and service to others.

We will continue to provide daily email communication to our University community. You can access all of the University communication at the following link

This daily communication is provided by the LETU Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT).

March 25, 2020

Late this afternoon, the City of Longview and Gregg County issued a mandatory directive for residents to shelter-in-place for the next two weeks. According to the announcement, the order begins on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. and will conclude on Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. We will provide additional details to our University community tomorrow morning (Thursday, March 26, 2020).

Our campus pastor, Dr. Pat Mays, released another spiritual life video earlier today. The video can be viewed by clicking the following link As all residential coursework moved to online instruction this week, the student achievement office and writing center are also working hard to provide incredible learning support to our students in the online learning space.

Student Achievement Center 

Online Peer Tutoring/Math Lab/Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Since LETU classes are now online, the Achievement Center will make online tutoring for most math courses and several other academic courses available. Additionally, the center will provide “drop in” hours for Math Lab. SI (Supplemental Instruction) will continue using a combination of recorded videos and/or online meetings through Microsoft Teams to assist students. Students will be notified of SI sessions through their Canvas course.

Online Math Lab Drop-in Hours (all drop-in hours are in CST)

  1. When drop-in hours start, open Teams and message the tutor on duty.
  2. Once the tutor acknowledges you, share your document/questions and begin the session. You should scan and upload any problems you have questions to share with the tutor prior to your meeting.

Math Lab Drop-in Schedule (6–8 p.m. CST)

Sundays/Mondays: Sayaka Komoriya
Tuesdays/Wednesday/Thursdays: Addie Randolph 

Online Tutoring (by appointment–all times are CST)

  1. Go to TutorTrac to schedule an appointment (link is located AT MyLETU).
  2. Before the appointment, send any questions/concepts to be discussed with the tutor.
  3. You will receive a Teams Meeting request for the time chosen.
  4. Accept the meeting request.
  5. Upload any documents on the day of the meeting that you want to share with the tutor. You have the option to share your screen view with the tutor through Microsoft Teams.
  6. Just before the meeting begins open Teams, and then open your Outlook appointment and click on “JOIN”.

 PLEASE NOTE:  If you do not find a tutor during your search on TutorTrac, please contact

Writing Center

Receiving Online Writing Tutoring

Due to COVID-19, the Writing Center has set up ways for students to still receive writing tutoring via virtual drop-in hours or appointments through Microsoft Teams, which all LETU students, faculty, and staff can access through their university account.

Once Teams is set up, you can continue to either meet with a tutor during virtual drop-in hours or make an appointment via TutorTrac (all drop-in hours and appointment times are in CST).

For Virtual Drop-in Hours

  1. Check the schedule to see which tutor is working on the night you want to drop in.
  2. When drop-in hours start, open Teams and message the tutor on duty.
  3. Once the tutor acknowledges you, share your document with them and begin the session. We recommend sharing your paper via OneDrive for a more collaborative experience.

Virtual Drop-in Schedule (6-9 p.m. CST)

Sundays: Benjamin Carlile
Mondays: Benjamin Murphy
Tuesdays: Khloe Dunn
Wednesdays: Benjamin Murphy
Thursdays: John Marchant 

For Appointments

  1. Schedule an appointment with a tutor on TutorTrac as normal.
  2. Before your appointment, share your document with the tutor.
  3. Just before your appointment starts, open Teams and wait for your tutor to call.

Note: There are several ways to share your document with your tutor: 1) Upload your doc to OneDrive (also accessible through, click the Share button, and enter your tutor's name. (This is what we recommend as sharing via OneDrive allows the tutor to collaborate on the document live with you during the session.) 2) Attach your doc to a message directly in Teams. 3) Share your screen view with the tutor while on a video call in Teams.

If you have any questions or difficulties with this process, please email the writing center.

Operational Updates

We continue to encourage all faculty and staff to work from home unless noted otherwise. Please communicate with your direct supervisor, Academic Dean or Cabinet Member on matters that include working from campus. The University continues to provide daily email communication regarding our response to COVID-19. This communication is also available at

It is important for all of us to remain diligent in our social distancing. Please visit the CDC for guidelines by accessing the following link

This daily communication is provided by the LETU Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT).

March 24, 2020

Today, Gregg County and the City of Longview held a press conference that included an update on the local response to COVID-19. The information from the press conference can be accessed using the following link (link expired). We encourage all of our faculty and staff to view this relevant information regarding the local response. This information is important for all of us that work at LeTourneau, which is located in Gregg County. 

Governor Abbott (TX) held a press conference this afternoon. Although there are no statewide directives related to shelter-in-place at the time of this communication, it remains important for all faculty and staff to work from home unless on-campus work has been directed and approved. As a precautionary measure, we are encouraging all employees to retrieve any critical work materials and items from their office by the end of business on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

We will continue to update our University community as new information becomes available. In the meantime, please continue to direct any work-related questions to your direct supervisor, Academic Dean or Cabinet Member.

March 23, 2020

LeTourneau University remains committed to providing consistent and timely communication to our campus community regarding COVID-19. Today marks the first official day of residential courses transitioning to online instruction. Through the diligent work of our faculty and staff, the excellent LeTourneau education continues for all of our students. 

Spiritual Development Resources

Our campus pastor, Dr. Pat Mays, will be posting videos twice a week for the remainder of the semester. Here is a link to Dr. May’s first video

Campus Updates

Human Resources released important guidelines via email to all staff regarding COVID-19 related information. This information includes guidance for time-tracking and other related employee resources. We encourage our staff to thoroughly review this important information.

The University Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) continues to monitor local, state and federal COVID-19 developments. As of today, there are several states that have issued a shelter-in-place directive. Governor Abbott (TX) has not directed a state-wide shelter-in-place directive as of this communication. However, Governor Abbott has empowered each county within Texas to determine if shelter-in-place measures are necessary. In preparation for a possible shelter-in-place directive at the local, state or federal level, it is imperative that all LeTourneau faculty and staff retrieve any critical items from their campus office by the end of business on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. This is a precautionary measure to ensure that each team member has the necessary items to continue their important work in the case of restricted access to the campus.

The important work of educating our students continues and the ongoing contributions of every faculty and staff member is extremely important. CIRT is currently working on developing a list of campus critical employees and functions that would continue to work on campus in the case of a shelter-in-place directive. Faculty and staff should direct any questions regarding campus critical functions to their respective Academic Dean or Cabinet Member.

We encourage members of our community to access the CDC’s online resources for the most recent information about COVID-19 at

March 19, 2020

LeTourneau University is operating in accordance with Governor Abbott’s March 19, 2020 executive order. Only essential employees should be working from their University offices or workspaces. All other employees should be working from home until further notice. All recommended safety practices are currently being implemented on the residential campus.

Today’s communication includes information about social distancing guidelines in the workplace, access to residential campus buildings and Belcher Center events.

Social Distancing Guidelines for the Workplace

Please listen to and follow the directions of your state and local authorities. When in doubt, check the CDC guidelines.

In the office:

  • ONLY essential personnel should work from their campus office or workspace
  • Use telephone, online conferencing, email and instant messaging to conduct business, even if in the same building
  • Space workers, stagger work schedules, limit in person meetings only to those that cannot be conducted in any other format
  • Eliminate large work-related gatherings (staff meetings)
  • Telework when at all possible
  • Accommodate distancing in break areas, eat at your desk
  • Avoid person to person contact-shaking hands, hugging, fist bumps, etc.
  • If face to face meetings are unavoidable; minimize the meeting time, meet in a large room with at least six feet of distance separation
  • Check your temperature before arriving at work each day and do not go to work if your temperature is elevated.


  • Avoid discretionary travel (shopping trips, social visits)
  • Postpone non-essential work travel (domestic and/or international)
  • Check CDC guidelines

The goal of the 15-day lockdown is to keep your germs to yourself so that we slow the spread.  This is the concept of “flattening the curve”.


  • Wipe down desk, keyboards, doorknobs, light switches, phones before leaving the office each day with Clorox wipes or spray with Lysol
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands
  • Regular disinfecting of common areas, i.e. breakrooms, coffee pots, counter tops, door handles
  • Wash your hands after blowing your nose, sneezing, coughing using the restroom, before eating and preparing food, after contact with animals or pets; before and after providing care for a person who needs assistance (child)

Stay home and contact your medical provider:

  • If you feel sick
  • If anyone at home is sick or feeling sick

If you are older, stay home and away from other people. If someone in your home tests positive for the virus – keep entire household at home!  No work, no school, no daycare, no anything!

March 19, 2020

The LeTourneau University Belcher Center has cancelled all public performances and events beginning today, March 17, through May 9, 2020.

We are in uncharted water with the potential effects of the pandemic in our community. The health and safety of our patrons, volunteers and community are our top priorities and we have not made this decision lightly. We understand that the cancellation of events brings disappointments and frustrations and we will continue to monitor this developing situation and provide updates about shows and events beyond May 9 through our Facebook page, website at, and email updates. Patrons with tickets for the impacted shows will be contacted directly.

Our March 28, Yesterday and Today: Beatles Interactive Experience performance has been rescheduled for July 18, 2020. As an encouragement for the Summer and a much-needed boost to morale we will be lowering our ticket prices for the Y&T performance on July 18 and issuing refunds for the difference to existing ticket holders. We hope those of you who have purchased tickets will hang with us and those of you who have not can “Come Together,” and we can all say “Here Comes the Sun,” with a summer Beatles party. 

Tickets for events beyond May 9 will remain on sale.

Our goal is to make decisions now with an eye towards the long-term ability to move forward once the pandemic has stabilized.

March 18, 2020

Today’s University communication includes important details about room and board, Commencement and campus housing.

Room & Board

LeTourneau University will offer partial credit to students for room and board.  Students who have moved off campus by March 22, 2020 (or within a few days thereof) will receive a credit of 50% of their room and board charges.  This includes those who have checked out or those who have not checked out but are not residing on campus for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.  Students who move out after March 22, 2020 will receive a credit based on the prorated portion of the semester not on campus.  For students who use financial aid to assist with paying their semester charges, additional review will take place to ensure that no adjustments are needed to their financial aid based upon this reduction in charges for the semester.  

For students with an outstanding balance, the credit adjustments will reduce the amount owed.  Payment plans will continue for those who have already enrolled and will automatically recalculate based on the lower remaining balance.  For those where the adjustments create a credit balance, students have the option of a cash refund or applying the credit towards charges for the next academic term.  To request a cash refund, please use the online form and custom student link provided by student accounts and allow up to 30 days for processing.

If the form is not completed by the end of the semester the credit will be applied to the next academic term.

Credits should appear on your student account by March 31, 2020.  Please review Nelnet to see the impact of any credit to your account.

Please refer any questions to student accounts at

University Commencement

The University Commencement ceremonies on May 9 have been postponed and the University is considering other dates and options for celebrating our graduates. More information will follow in the coming weeks.

With the postponement of the graduation ceremony, there are likely a number of students and families that have questions and concerns about what this means for graduating students. This short FAQ is intended to answer the most common questions.

Commencement FAQ:

  • What is Commencement?

Commencement is another fancy academic way of saying graduation celebration which typically refers to the graduation ceremony.

  • Why was the graduation ceremony postponed?

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and based on recommendations from the CDC and other health organizations, the university has decided to postpone the Commencement Ceremony for the health and safety of our students, staff, and community.

  • If there is no graduation ceremony does that mean I can’t graduate?

No, the graduation ceremony is not the same thing as conferring a degree (or actually graduating). Conferral is the act of officially awarding and documenting the degree completion on the transcript. The graduation ceremony is the celebration of the student’s achievements. If a student has submitted an “Intent to Graduate Form” and completed all of their degree requirements, their degree will be posted/conferred after the end of the semester shortly after all grades have been submitted and reviewed. 

  • When will I receive my diploma?

Diplomas are mailed out shortly after the degree has been conferred after the student’s final semester.

  • Will there be a refund of the graduation fee if the ceremony is eventually cancelled?

The graduation fee covers all the administrative costs of conferring the degree such as those associated with the production and distribution of the diploma. The fee is always the same for students whether they choose to participate in the ceremony or not. So, the graduation fee will not be refunded.

  • How does a student know they are ready to graduate?

All degree seeking students should have a planned graduation date assessed shortly after they are admitted to the university. That planned graduation date is typically discussed and updated as needed during meetings with the student’s advisor. Early in their final semester the Registrar’s Office will run a report of students whose planned graduation date falls within that term and will notify the students via email, including directions on how to apply for graduation. 

  • What does a student need to do to graduate?

When a student is enrolled in their final semester, they will submit an “Intent to Graduate” form to notify the university.

Campus Housing

Residential students are receiving communication about campus housing and are encouraged to refer to the specified communication sent by email yesterday and today for housing details. Students are encouraged to make arrangements as soon as possible if you have not already done so.

March 17, 2020

LETU Employees, Students and Parents

This national emergency is an extraordinary opportunity to love God and love others, I am seeing your love for God and for our community in your energy and your ingenuity as we address unprecedented challenges. Thank you for your patience as each day brings new government guidelines and the need to change the way we are operating as a university.

This update includes several significant changes in the way we operate. We will provide our 3,000 students an exceptional higher education, but we will need to work very differently in these days to accomplish this.

The most loving thing we can do now is to remain with only online course delivery this term. We will not return to in-person classes this spring.  We will close our residence halls and postpone or cancel all significant events planned, including Homecoming and Commencement. I regret this is necessary, but it is required as we seek the prosperity of our community during a time of pandemic.

Here are important details:

Academic courses

Online instruction for residential students begins on Monday, March 23, 2020 and will continue for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester. This includes suspending all in-person flight and maintenance operations at the Abbott Aviation Center and the McKinney campus, as well as all clinical, lab, and field experiences of other disciplines that take place on the Longview campus. Students will receive separate communication from their respective academic areas about making up these requirements at a later date.

Residential students

Residence halls will close for the semester on Sunday, March 22, at 7 p.m., and will not reopen for Spring Term 2020. Due to concerns for safety and controlling the spread of COVID-19, we are asking that students move out of campus housing quickly and in adherence to social distancing protocols.

For students moving out this week:

  • Student Life will send an email to all Spring 2020 students who were housed on campus with instructions on how check-outs will be facilitated. Check-outs will be conducted Wednesday, March 18 - Sunday, March 22 from 11am-7pm each day. In the email, we will ask that you fill out a survey to reserve a one-hour window in which you would like to complete check out and that you limit your total time in your building to four hours prior to that check-out time (i.e., if you reserve a spot to check out at 4-5pm on Thursday, you could come to the building at noon and move out between noon and 4pm, checking out by 5pm). This reservation process and time limit will allow us to better abide by social distancing protocol and manage the check-out process with limited staffing.
  • Overnight stays in campus housing for those who are moving out will be allowed only for those students who will be flying in or traveling greater than five hours to move out.       
  • Families and friends can assist students with moving out of campus housing this week, but will not be allowed to stay overnight in campus housing.
  • Storage will be limited and residents will not be able to leave items behind on campus to be donated. All personal possessions must be taken, stored, or thrown away.
  • Failure to check out of your room or return the correct room key may result in additional charges being added to the student's account.

For International and Housing-Insecure Students:

  • International students and housing-insecure students may apply for a Hardship Waiver to remain in on-campus housing and continue to receive take-out meals from dining services. Hardship waivers will be granted for very limited cases, such as for students in Family/Married Student Housing who have no other address, students who live in locations where air travel from the US is currently not available, and cases of extreme financial hardship. Students who are granted this waiver will be restricted from traveling outside the Longview area until further notice. Students wishing to receive this waiver must apply to remain on campus using a link that will be sent from Student Life via email. Please complete this application quickly if you feel you meet the limited nature of this waiver and we will do our best to respond quickly to all requests.

For students unable to move out this week:

  • Students who are unable due to distance to move out by March 22 may make arrangements for move out at a later date, no later than May 9, 2020. Due to the predicted spread of COVID-19, we cannot guarantee building access or staff availability to move out beyond March 22. We will try to do our best to accommodate any requests for move-out between March 23 and May 9, but all arrangements will be made in light of guidance from the CDC and campus protocols at that time. Please email your Resident Director to make arrangements for a late checkout. Resident Director contact information may be found here:
  • Davis Hall & Quads: Julie Caldwell- 903.233.4428,
  • Gilbert Hall & Apartments: Christina Brandsma- 903.233.4424,
  • South Hall: Brittany LaPorte- 903.233.4425,
  • Thomas Hall & Mabee Hall: Griffin Gardner- 903.233.4427,
  • Tyler Hall, Evelyn LeTourneau Hall, & Societies: Ryan Hawkins- 903.233.4423,
  • Family & Married Student Housing: Ben Goller- 903.233.4421,

We are exploring options for how to handle adjustments to room and board charges and will communicate those plans as soon as they are finalized. 

International students

For F-1 students:

  • If you are enrolled full time in online courses for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester, whether you are in the US or outside of the US, you will maintain legal F-1 status. This is a temporary special provision by SEVP based on these unusual circumstances.
  • If you do NOT plan to continue studying online, you must notify the Office of Global Initiatives so we can terminate your I-20 for “authorized early withdrawal.”
  • If you travel outside the US and plan to return to the US in the future, you need a travel signature on page 2 of your I-20. Anyone in the Office of Global Initiatives can sign your I-20 for you this week.
  • International students who are unable to return home and need to remain in on-campus housing and receive boxed meals throughout the spring semester may apply for a Hardship Waiver through Residence Life. Please watch for an email and fill out the link to apply if you will not be able to return to your home country.

The Office of Global Initiatives (OGI) is here to answer an international student’s questions. Please feel free to contact OGI via email ( or by phone at 903.233.3172. Staff will be available in the office from 8:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm -5:00pm, Monday – Friday.

Summer and Fall course registration

Cancellation of the Academic Chapel this week has created the need to push back the Fall/Summer registration process to ensure every student has had the opportunity for academic advising. Adjustments to the Fall/Summer registration schedule is as follows:

  • Peer Advisor Registration – March 24
  • Regular Registration -
    • Seniors (91+ hours) – April 6
    • Juniors (61-90 hours) – April 7
    • Sophomores (31-60 hours) – April 8
    • Freshman (0 to 30 hours) – April 9

Faculty will communicate the details of the advising process and the Registrar Team will be available to offer assistance and answer questions.  To contact the Registrar please email or call 903.233.4381.

Facilities and events

All university events are canceled until May 9 and all athletic practices have been canceled through the end of the semester. Access to all buildings except the Allen Family Student Center and library will be restricted to employees only.  The mail center will be open in the Allen Family Student Center with limited hours of 9:30am – 2:30pm, Monday - Friday.  Effective Wednesday, March 18 the Solheim Center will be closed. The Corner Café will remain open with modified hours for to-go meals only.

All major admissions events are canceled. However, our admissions counselors will be available to work with any prospective student and families.


The University Commencement ceremonies on May 9 have been postponed, and the University is considering other dates and options for celebrating our graduates. More information will follow in the coming weeks. For any commencement questions please contact or call 903.233.3200.

Health services

  • If you are sick, please first call ahead to 903.233.4445 before arriving at the Health Services Office. For medical/health questions pertaining to COVID-19 that are not addressed on the university website or related resources (, email and provide your name and contact information requesting a call back.
  • If you have counseling or specific mental health questions, you can either call 903.233.3490 or send an email to requesting a call back. Please remember that email is not a secure means of conveying personal health information.
  • If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call the 24/7 regional crisis line at 800.446.8253.
  • During evenings and weekends when the Health Services Office is closed, please first call ahead to the nearest urgent care or emergency room if you are needing medical attention. Those locations and numbers can be found here: 
  • Traditional students may also utilize BuzzCare for video or phone appointments with a doctor about any medical concerns or for online counseling appointments. For more information, visit

For any questions, please contact Health Services, 903.233.4445 or

Be encouraged.  God will be glorified in all of this. Thousands of LETU graduates are this day scattered throughout every workplace and every nation demonstrating a peace that can only come from faith in Christ. The alma mater of these students is responding to the emergency with ingenuity. Please continue to pray for us and for God to bless our ministry especially in these uncertain times.

March 16

LETU Employees,

The following will be in effect until further notice.

Operational Continuity

For now, we are recommending that employees work remotely from home when at all possible. All employees seeking to work remotely must have permission from their supervisors and this will be re-evaluated on a week to week basis.

Sick Employees

If you are sick you must stay home!  Do not report to work on campus with symptoms of COVID-19 or any other communicable illness.  All employees should be vigilant and self-monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID19.  Employees who have contracted the disease;  are demonstrating symptoms of the disease; are providing direct care to someone with the disease, or who have traveled to an area with a level 2 or 3 CDC alert are prohibited from reporting to work for a minimum of 14 days from when arrived back in the US.  Employees in these circumstances may work remotely, establish a flexible work arrangement, or take leave as may be required.  The practice of requiring a medical certification (as required by FMLA) has been suspended for these circumstances.

At Risk Employees

Certain people are at an increased risk of complications from the coronavirus, including those diagnosed with chronic lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, immune system disorders/diseases; and individuals 60 years of age or older. If you are at increased risk or live in the same household as someone believed to be at increased risk, please consult with your health care provider for more information about monitoring your health for symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.

While most people with COVID-19 will be able to recover at home, people who are at higher risk and develop symptoms of COVID-19 should seek medical advice sooner than people who are younger and/or otherwise healthy. Those with increased risk or living in the same household as someone with increased risk, may receive direction from their physician to avoid the workplace for a specified duration. Employees in these circumstances may work remotely, establish a flexible work arrangement, or take leave as may be required.  The practice of requiring a medical certification (as required by FMLA) has been suspended for these circumstances.

Providing Childcare

The University recognizes the hardship caused by the recent closing of K-12 schools and daycare facilities.  Employees in these circumstances may work remotely, establish a flexible work arrangement, or take leave as may be required as explained below.

Flexible Leave and Alternate Work Arrangements

Any employee, or an employee with a household member, who is experiencing symptoms of, been diagnosed with, or at risk for or COVID-19 or is providing childcare for a child due to a school closure or daycare facility closure may make use of the following arrangements.

  • Paid Sick Leave:  Employees may use accrued sick and vacation time to cover such absences.  If an employee’s leave accrual is exhausted due to one of the above circumstances, the University will allow sick leave to go negative.  Currently various alternatives are being explored for the handling of a negative sick leave balance.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements:  Employees may adjust their regular work schedules based on their own unique circumstances. A flextime schedule can take many forms, including a shortened workweek, variations in arrival or departure time, or other changes to the employee’s typical work schedule. 
  • Remote Work Arrangements: Employees are encouraged to telecommute or work remotely on an occasional or regular basis.  Employees who work remotely must comply with all University policies and procedures, including adequately safeguarding and securing any restricted or confidential information with which they work. These arrangements will typically require the use of Remote Desktop services from a personal computer at home for most administrative or general support software. Instructional needs for faculty often can be supported through existing web-based resources on a personal computer and will typically not require Remote Desktop services. Microsoft Teams may also be a key resource in maintaining close collaboration and teamwork within your department. Please contact IT if you have questions about how to use Remote Desktop Services, Microsoft Teams or the resources at to meet your need.

The above options are not mutually exclusive.  An employee and/or their supervisor may elect to make use of all three of the above options, if doing so meets the unique needs of the employee and University based on individual circumstances.

The University is requesting that supervisors provide maximum flexibility as it relates to establishing alternate work arrangements.  That said, the nature of some positional and departmental responsibilities may not allow for flextime scheduling.  Employees must speak directly with their supervisors to determine whether these arrangements are feasible and to establish the details of such arrangements.  Any of the above arrangements must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisors.  Supervisors must inform their cabinet member of all such arrangements. 

Furthermore, the University reserves the right to implement changes to the work arrangements as may be required for operational continuity.

Student Workers

At this time, no student workers will be allowed to work in any office unless they are deemed essential by the department’s supervisor.


Under no circumstances may any employee travel to any area that is level 2 or 3 per the CDC. No employee may engage in University sponsored travel which is not considered mission critical or essential.  Such travel must be cleared by your cabinet officer.  Furthermore, employees are asked to curtail their personal travel. 

Facility Usage

The Solheim Center will be open to employees and students only with modified hours from 11:00am – 6:00pm. The Corner Café will also have modified hours from 11:00am – 1:00pm and 4:30pm – 6:30pm with no self-service items available and take-outs encouraged.

Daily Updates 

As we all realize, this situation is very fluid with information changing rapidly. To ensure that everyone remains informed, we will provide communication to campus daily.

March 13

LETU Employees

Campus Visitors

In an ongoing effort to limit exposure to COVID-19 to ourselves and others we are requiring that any interactions with visitors be highly limited.  Only essential visitor activity is allowed, such as deliveries, repair work, etc.  Any nonessential visitor on-campus interactions should be limited.  We encourage all interactions with visitors be done virtually.  For the week starting Monday, March 16 the Library, Counseling Center, Solheim and Café will be closed to the public.  All events with outside individuals must be canceled.  In general, the campus is open to employees only.   This will be a week by week evaluation.  Therefore, this applies to all campus visitors/events for the week of March 16 – 22.  

Health Considerations

With the current concerns around COVID-19, we are asking that all employees take extra measures to ensure campus safety. Many LETU employees have traveled over Spring Break and may have been in locations that are now classified as Level 2 (Yellow) or Level 3 (Red). The locations classified as Level 2 and Level 3 are frequently changing with more locations being added each day. The location to which you traveled over Spring Break may have been Level 1 at the time you began your travels and may have been at Level 3 by the end of your trip. For that reason, we are asking all employees who have recently traveled to review the recommendations for Level 2, Level 3, and cruise travel and heed the associated recommendations.

At the moment, the following countries have a Level 3 Travel Health Notice (this is subject to change and can be monitored at

  • China
  • Iran
  • South Korea
  • Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City

If you have traveled to any Level 3 locations, the CDC’s guidance and LETU’s expectations are that you:

Stay home for the next 14 days and monitor your health. Take your temperature with a thermometer twice a day and watch for symptoms. Do not go to work or school during this time. Notify your supervisor and make appropriate arrangements. If you feel sick and have symptoms,

  • Call ahead before you go to the doctor’s office or emergency room.
  • Tell the doctor about your recent travel and symptoms.
  • Avoid contact with others.
  • Do not travel while sick.

Level 2 locations are described as experiencing Sustained Community-Level Transmission. Many locations are now considered to be Level 2 locations, including Mexico, Ireland, and Japan. The CDC no longer provides a list of all COVID-19 Level 2 countries, but you can search particular countries and determine the travel advisories for those countries at the following CDC link:

If you have travelled to any Level 2 destination during the past 14 days, LETU’s expectations are that you:

  • Stay home from work the next 14 days and monitor your health. You may make arrangements with your supervisor if working from home may be appropriate.
  • Practice social distancing. Social distancing means staying out of crowded places, avoiding group gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.
  • If you get sick with fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher), cough, or have trouble breathing:
    • Seek medical advice. Call ahead before going to a doctor’s office or emergency room.
    • Tell your doctor about your recent travel and your symptoms.
    • Avoid contact with others.
  • Do not travel while sick.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Soap and water should be used if hands are visibly dirty.

If you were on a cruise in the past 14 days:

  • Monitor your health and limit interactions with others for 14 days after returning to the United States.
    • If a case of COVID-19 was reported on your ship during the cruise, stay home during these 14 days and practice social distancing.
  • Stay home if you feel sick with fever, cough, or have trouble breathing and call ahead before you seek medical care
  • Seek medical advice. Call ahead before going to a doctor’s office or emergency room. Tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms.
  • Do not travel while sick.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Clean your hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%–95% alcohol. Soap and water should be used if hands are visibly dirty.

In addition to this travel-related guidance, we encourage you to err on the side of caution regarding any illness. Please communicate with your supervisor regarding any symptoms you are experiencing and stay home if you are not feeling well.

Thank you for taking extra steps to help prevent the spread of illness on campus and in the community.

March 12, 2020

LeTourneau University has continued to closely evaluate recent developments regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  While we place our trust in Jesus Christ and have no reason to live in fear, we must also consider how to best love our students, faculty, staff and neighbors in Longview by minimizing the potential for exposure and spread of COVID-19 to ourselves and others. Although nothing has changed in the Longview area since our communication yesterday, significant decisions have been made nationally regarding COVID-19. 

Based on this, LeTourneau University has made the following decisions:

  • All in-person classes are canceled for next week (March 16-20), online classes will continue as scheduled.
  • Beginning March 23 all classes will be conducted online until April 3. Students will receive separate communication regarding the delivery method of coursework. We will reassess the situation to determine how to continue beyond this time.
  • The Longview campus will remain open and all employees will continue normal daily operations.
  • Students will be allowed to stay on campus and food service will resume on March 16. However, for students who have been away for Spring Break, it is our strong recommendation that you do not return to campus. For students who remained on campus for Spring Break, we encourage you to consider returning home.  All students living in on-campus housing will receive an email from Student Life with a link to a survey that all on-campus students must complete to indicate their living arrangements during the time that classes are cancelled and on-line only.
  • Students, faculty and staff who are ill, at high risk of illness or who suspect they have been exposed should not come to campus. Again, we encourage you to follow these recommendations to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
    • Wash your hands for 20 seconds
    • Use hand sanitizer
    • Avoid shaking hands
    • Disinfect frequently touched objects using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
    • Stay home when you are sick and avoid close contact with those who are sick
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Given the ever-changing nature of this situation, we will continue to provide updates as necessary.  Please continue to monitor communication from the University at to ensure awareness of all official and timely information and updates.

I understand that these measures are disruptive, and I ask that everyone be as flexible as possible until we are able to return to our normal operations.

Most importantly, LeTourneau University will continue to pray for those impacted and for the communities responding in service to those in need.

March 4, 2020

LeTourneau University prepares, communicates and responds to issues and events that may impact our campus community. The coronavirus is garnering a significant amount of attention and has impacted parts of the United States and varying locations globally. While there is no existing case or immediate threat of the coronavirus in East Texas or at LeTourneau University, we want to reassure our campus community that we are following this issue closely and have health related plans in place to serve our campus.

The University has received several questions from our campus community about our planning and any potential impact on curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities. At this time, there is no impact to University related events and activities. We will continue to monitor and communicate any appropriate updates or changes. We continue to encourage any student, faculty or staff member to remain home if they are not feeling well.

For more information, please visit

LeTourneau University will continue to pray for those impacted and the communities responding in service to those in need.