Over the course of a 40+ year career in oil & gas exploration specializing in geoscience technology, the author has helped Shell Oil and the oil & gas industry develop several new geophysical and scientific technologies to acquire and study many datasets that provide geological evidence that cannot be reasonably explained by the “uniformitarian” theories generally held by the industry.
However, these datasets provide convincing evidence that the “Recent Global Flood” described in Genesis 6 did occur and that the earth and the solar system are less than 10,000 years old.
This presentation will discuss these findings along with several recent discoveries in other fields of scientific study that support a “Young Earth” Biblical Worldview. Toby Perry, (B.S. Engineering Physics (1979) - Univ. Of Oklahoma), was employed as an Exploration Geophysicist for Shell Oil Co. for 39 years in deepwater and onshore oil & gas exploration - specializing in seismic acquisition, processing, interpretation, research, and leadership. Toby helped Shell explore, find, and produce over 10 Billion bbls of oil equivalent - primarily in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Latin America and to develop several new exploration technologies, business strategies, and ventures. Toby has recently founded Leviathan exploration, LLC, to extend and pursue novel oil & gas exploration concepts in the Gulf of Mexico.
Toby and his wife, Cindy (1958-2020), have 5 children (ages 24-39) and seven grandchildren. After receiving Christ as his Savior as a young boy, Toby has been a lifelong Baptist and has taught Adult Bible study classes for 40+ years.