Summer Housing

LETU's residency requirement does not extend to the summer, so you are free to live where you'd like, even if you are staying in Longview. We do offer On-Campus Summer Housing that extends from Graduation in May through August move-in for the Fall. 

Like the rest of our housing applications, the summer housing application - typically open mid-February through June - is available on LETU's housing portal.

Soon after Commencement in May, summer students consolidate from across campus to one residence hall (Move #1). Depending on duration of stay, some students will end up moving from that residence hall to the apartments for the remainder of summer (Move #2). Toward the beginning of August, everyone moves to their Fall housing assignment (Move #3).

These moves allow us to clean and maintain our buildings as needed. We make plans based on the dates you give us, so knowing your dates will make your stay easier. If your dates change, we can work with you.

We try to incentivize students to stay over the summer, so rent is cheap. Check the application for this year's rates.