Profile Photo: Tucker Long


  • Resident Assistant

  • Class of 2022

  • Christian Ministry B.A.

  • Describe your position as it relates/fits into the overall IMPACT structure?

Each position in IMPACT plays an important role in caring for and serving LeTourneau’s student body. Resident Assistants live with and for fellow students, being able to assist them in various aspects of college life, such as developing community on their dorm floor to guidance about class-related issues.


  • What made you want to be involved in IMPACT leadership on campus?

I thought being a Resident Assistant would be a good opportunity to serve others and grow in building relationships.


  • Why is student leadership on a college campus important?

Student leadership gives students an opportunity to serve one another and to grow personally. Student leadership also assists staff and faculty of the university or college with guiding its student body according to the school’s values and goals.


  • What challenges face LETU student leaders?

I think the greatest challenge is balancing our work load from our classes and our tasks for our leadership positions, on top of other commitments and relationships in our lives. In college time is precious and managing our time is a continuous challenge.


  • How do you feel that your leadership position may help prepare you for life/work in your future?

Being a Resident Assistant has grown my relational skills and joy for being in relationships with people. This is helping prepare me to be in full-time ministry, which is centered around relationships with God, people, ourselves, and the rest of God’s creation.


  • Do you have a favorite Bible verse? 

John 15:4 is one of my favorite Bible verses, because Jesus calls us to abide in Him, to simply BE with Him, to have sweet fellowship with Him all day, everyday. Fellowship with the Lord is one of the aspects of what we were saved TO. We were saved FROM our sins, God’s wrath, eternal death, Satan’s rule, and we were saved TO eternal life, Christ’s righteousness, enjoying God, being with Him from now throughout all eternity.