Career Resources for Students

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  • Job Search
  • Career Exploration
  • Resume Assistance
  • Graduate School

How do you prepare for a successful transition from student to employee? Here you'll find material to help you create resumes and cover letters and prepare for job interviews. We provide resources to help you research the jobs you are interested in and find careers in your area.


Prepare your Resume
Your resume can be one of the strongest determining factors in a successful job interview. As a result, having your resume ready and polished before you begin your search for a career is a definite must.  A PDF copy of the LETU Resume Guide can be found by clicking here: LETU Resume Guide. A hard copy booklet can be found in the Career Services office.

Research your Career
Determine if you are going into the workforce or into graduate school.
Find job and salary information so you can be prepared when you find a job.

Co-Ops and Internships
Learn about why you should consider doing a co-op or an internship and the benefits such programs offer to you.


Visit our new online job system to search jobs posted specifically for LeTourneau students and to post your resume for employers to view.
Online Job Search Resources
Visit these websites to research jobs, the job market, and search for specific jobs.

If you are undecided about what major or career you want to pursue, you are not alone. More than half of American first-year university students come to school uncertain about their choice of major. Below you will find some of the resources Career Services can offer you to guide you in your search.


Focus 2
A Career and Education Planning System for College Students. Use this system to learn about what careers best suit you, what you can do with your major, and explore career options. Available to all LETU students. Email for the access code. Create an account and log in here.

Career Assessment Inventory (MBTI)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a useful personality and career assessment tool. Email and we will send you an email with your results. You may also email us for a one-on-one appointment to go over your results. To see the kind of information provided by the MBTI you can view a page from a sample report.


Academic Advisors
Your academic advisor can help you explore options in different majors and can show you course requirements. If you think you may be interested in a certain major and want to know more, make an appointment with one of the professors who teach in that field to discuss your options.

Career Counseling
Career Services staff is ready to meet with you to help guide you as you consider career choices. They can help you filter through your preferences and options. For more information regarding career counseling and career exploration please contact us by email:; phone: 903-233-4467 or visit us on the first floor of ASC (next to Admissions).

Your resume can be one of the strongest determining factors in a successful job interview. As a result, having your resume ready and polished before you begin your search for a career is a definite must.


Accounting Sample
Aeronautical Science - Flight Sample
Aeronautical Science - Maintenance Sample
Business Sample
Christian Ministries Sample
Communications Sample
Computer Science Sample
Counseling Sample
Education Sample
Engineering - Biomedical Sample
Engineering - Electrical Sample
Engineering - Mechanical Sample
Engineering - Technology Sample
Engineering - Welding Sample
Finance Sample
Healthcare Sample
MBA Sample
Psychology Sample



To get help, tips and feedback while working on your resume, you may set up an appointment with Career Services by emailing

Career Services can offer advice to help you select a graduate school for continuing your education after college. If you would like to meet with a career counselor and discuss your options for graduate school please get in touch!


Step 1: Searching

  • Begin your search early
  • Decide what location is of interest to you and research and visit colleges/universities in that area

Step 2: GRE

  • Prepare ahead of time and make sure the GRE is a requirement
  • For free GRE Prep information, visit here: Prep Information
  • Cost: $205 (Prices are subject to change)
  • Register at ETS
  • Computerized exam offered every week

Step 3: Writing & Financial Aid

  • Your essay statement is going to identify your goals and purpose in grad school.
  • Ask about Graduate Assistantship Positions and Fellowships
  • Student Loans
    • Borrow up to $20,500/year
    • Complete FAFSA
  • Search for private scholarships
    • FastWeb
    • If a fee is required, it's not a real scholarship 

Step 4: Deadlines & What's Next

  • Admission deadlines vary between schools and programs
  • Submit application
  • Prepare for GRE
  • Request transcripts
  • Ask professors or employers for recommendation letters
  • Work on Essay Statement