How many can be in a Life Group?
Life Groups are small groups of 12-15 students and a faculty or staff facilitator wishing to enter into a deeper dialogue about their spiritual life and growth together.
When do they meet, and how do students get SFC?
Life groups will meet a minimum of seven times during fall semester, mostly during the scheduled chapel times. Check the semester chapel schedule for specific dates. Some may choose to meet at other times not during the chapel hour. Life Group facilitators will have students sign in to record attendance and return the sheet to the Spiritual Life Office.
Can I convene my Life Group more than 7 times?
Some mentors will choose to add additional meetings; however, this is not required.
How are Life Groups formed?
Facilitators may invite specific students to be in their Life Groups or allow students to sign up on their own or a combination of both (15 max per group).
What resources are available?
We hope you are already aware of Bible studies, books, and other materials that have been beneficial to you in your own spiritual growth. Please draw from that well!
In addition, facilitators will receive a free subscription to a video resource of thousands of talks, Bible studies and more by people like Francis Chan, Tim Keller, Max Lucado, Dave Ramsey and many more. These are amazing teaching resources and discussion starters. Contact the Spiritual Life Office for additional materials. Ultimately, we want you to be led by the Holy Spirit and not bound to a program, so pray and listen to the voice of Jesus in your preparation!
Why Life Groups?
Life Groups are an opportunity to contribute to students' lives in eternal ways. We hope that your Life Group will be a time of reflecting deeply on what God is doing in your life and the lives of the students you mentor.