University Police Department

  • Overview
  • Emergency Contacts
  • UPD Staff
  • Emergency Protocol
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Vehicle Regulations

It is the mission of the LeTourneau University Police Department to provide high quality, community-oriented security services and leadership by example.

Under the direction of the Chief of University Police, the LeTourneau University Police Department maintains strong relationships and inter-local agreements with providers of emergency services in the Longview area such as the Longview Police and Longview Fire departments, Gregg County Sheriff's Office and other emergency service providers in order to maintain the safest possible learning and living environment. UPD also includes a corps of student officers who patrol campus, provide security, enforce traffic regulations and more.

Please reference LeTourneau University's Emergency Procedures Reference Guide, which provides direction to LETU faculty, staff, students and visitors in the event of an emergency:






Our offices are located on LeTourneau University's Longview campus at 624 Harris Drive (between the Alpha Omega and the Information Technology buildings). Parking is available at the east side of the building. We welcome your visits and calls. The lobby is open 24 hours, 7 days a week to serve the campus community. There is a phone, as well as coffee, available for your convenience.


Number Contact
911 Longview Emergency - use for fire, medical emergency, or crimes in progress (There is no need to dial an "8" or a "9" for an outside line from a campus phone.)
903. 233.4444 LeTourneau University Police - Emergency (answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
903.237.1199 City of Longview Police, Fire, and EMS Communication Center - Non-Emergency Line
800.746.7661 East Texas Poison Control Center (have all necessary information before calling)
903.233.4445 LeTourneau University Health Services - Non-Emergency (Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 2 PM)
903.233.4440 LeTourneau University Police Department - Chief of Police


LeTourneau University Police Department is responsible for reporting and investigating all criminal activity, suspected criminal activity, and suspicious circumstances that occur on any property owned, leased or controlled by the University. Through a strong inter-local agreement and wonderful working relationship with Longview Police Department, LeTourneau University Police Department provides outstanding police services to the campus community.

If you have a situation in which you need to contact the Longview Police Department or the Municipal Court concerning an event outside of the UPD jurisdiction, UPD will be glad to assist you in making contact with the appropriate division of the Longview Police Department or Municipal Court if you wish.



Michael Schultz

Chief of University Police


Kevin Blakeley

Police Officer


Danny Brasher

Police Officer


Missidime Davis

Police Officer


Cliff Ingersoll

Police Officer


Greg Mandreger

Polic Officer


Juan Robertson

Police Officer


UPD also includes a corps of student officers who:

  • Patrol the campus
  • Provide security and access to facilities after hours
  • Enforce traffic regulations
  • Control traffic at major events
  • Perform many other services


All members of University Police are:

  • First Aid and CPR certified
  • AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) trained
  • Routinely trained to help improve crime prevention and safety on campus.


University Police Guards

The Guard corps of UPD comprises student workers who have been specifically trained to serve the LETU community in accordance with the University's rules, regulations and policies. This training enables them to resolve a wide variety of issues, provide professional services and facilitate most activities of the campus community. These guards work in conjunction with and many times independent of UPD police officers and in all cases represent the security and law enforcement interests of the university.



Check out our EMERGENCY PROCEDURES REFERENCE GUIDE to learn what you should do to be prepared in case of an emergency. You can also review the Campus Safety and Emergency Procedures pages of the Student Handbook.


  • Faculty and Staff personnel may sign up by following the link;
    Faculty/Staff ECCS Opt-In Form -- Be informed. Be prepared.
  • Students may sign up for ECCS notifications
    • during registration each semester, or
    • anytime during the semester by visiting Student Life or your Resident Director

NOTICE: The ECCS system is tested once each semester. The tests occur on the second Tuesday of the semester at 11:15am. Testing of the system will only be postponed if an existing emergency is already in progress or is imminent at the time of the scheduled test.


This service represents a cooperative effort between the City of Longview and the LETU administration which allows Police/Fire/EMS to pinpoint the exact location of a 911 call. That means a faster and more accurate response to your emergency.

To use the system all you need to do is dial the numbers 9-1-1.

  • No need to dial "8" for an outside line.
  • Connects immediately with City of Longview Public Safety Communications Center at the Police Department.
  • Appropriate responders (Police, Fire, EMS personnel) and help will be on the way.
  • University Police will also be notified so that we may join local service providers in being first responders to your exact location and provide whatever follow-up and support you may need.

Calling E-911 from a cell phone:

  • The City of Longview maintains a number of agreements with various cell service providers by which they may isolate the exact location of an individual by way of their cell phone signal. This GIS service can be as accurate as to within 25 or 50 feet of an exact location. However, it's important that a caller remain on the line with dispatchers as long as possible to fully describe and identify your exact location to assure the best possible response.

Be aware that it is a criminal offense to misuse or place prank calls on this very important service to the LeTourneau community. Public Safety Communications administrative personnel will actively pursue prosecution of any person or persons found to be falsely reporting crimes or falsely causing emergency personnel to respond to any form of call.




Register your vehicle online.
(Log in using your LetNet credentials)

Register your vehicle online.
(Log in using your LetNet credentials)



Who has to register their vehicle on campus?

  • All members of the LeTourneau University community (faculty, staff, students and contract employees) are required to register their vehicles with University Police.

When and where can I register my vehicle?

  • Vehicles may be registered 24 hours a day, seven days a week, using our online registration form or by contacting one of our police officers or guards in person.

How much does vehicle registration cost?

  • Registration is FREE if you register in a timely fashion. Employees have ten days from the date of purchase of a new vehicle and students have until the tenth day of classes in the upcoming semester or 10 days from purchase of a vehicle if they acquire a vehicle during the semester.

Can I bring any additional vehicles to campus?

  • LeTourneau University reserves the right to limit the number of vehicles that may be brought to campus by resident students. RVs, camper trailers, jet skis, boats, utility trailers, etc. may not be parked on campus for a period of more than a few days.
  • Bringing recreational vehicles to campus is strongly discouraged. Camper trailers and motor-homes must be parked at local RV campgrounds which may be found not far from the LETU campus. Parking accommodations for other recreational vehicles are not available on campus and are the sole responsibility of the owner of the vehicle.
  • There is no facility for off-road vehicle operation on campus. All motor vehicles operated on campus roadways must comply with state standards for "street legal" vehicles; i.e. headlights, brake lights, turn signals, horn, etc.
  • Persons bringing recreational vehicles, motor homes, etc. for short periods of time may do so by contacting the University Police Department in order to obtain a temporary parking pass and determine parking requirements and limitations.

What paperwork is required to register my vehicle?

  • You must have a current and valid driver's license and proof of liability insurance to obtain a vehicle parking registration sticker. A registration application may be filled out at UPD or online.

Where do I put my vehicle registration decal?

  • For automobiles and pickup trucks, your LETU vehicle registration decal should be displayed on the lower left-hand corner of the rear windshield of your vehicle.
  • On a motorcycle, your registration decal can be displayed on the right front fork of the bike, or may be placed on the front windshield if your bike has one.
  • On a bicycle, the decal should be displayed on the frame tube below the seat post.
  • All vehicle parking registration stickers must be affixed as described above and must be maintained in good, readable condition by the vehicle owner.

What happens if I need a new parking decal?

  • Replacement stickers are available at no cost from the University Police Department.

How do I know if I need a new parking decal?

  • If your parking decal is not of the current type and style, you need a new decal
  • If your parking decal is faded so that the color-coded rectangle or the serial number on it are unreadable, you need a new decal
  • If your parking decal is cracked, torn, pitted or damaged so that it is unreadable or just plain not pretty, you need a new decal. UPD will be pleased to replace your decal without charge.

What happens if I don't display my parking decal?

  • Any vehicle parked or operated on campus that does not display a LeTourneau University vehicle registration/parking sticker is subject to being stopped by University Police at any time.
  • If cited for failure to register, the fine is $40.00.

My spouse has a vehicle that is used on campus from time to time. Do I need to register this vehicle also?

  • Yes. Spouses have benefits including the use of the library, Solheim Activity Center, dining facilities, etc. and as such are apt to be on campus frequently. Also, at some point you may need to use your spouse's vehicle for a period of time. Remember, it's free, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

I have a question that is not addressed in this FAQ. How can I get answers?

  • You can always email the Chief of Police at or call the UPD offices at 903.233.4440, 903.233.4441 or 903.233.4442.
  • You can visit with any of our friendly guards and officers who will be glad to answer your questions.

The vehicle regulation and traffic enforcement efforts of LeTourneau University Police focus on the goal of maintaining the safest possible environment for all of our campus community members. Each and every member of the LETU nation is responsible for the safe and lawful operation of their vehicle. UPD personnel are empowered to enforce all university rules, as well as local and state laws, concerning the operation of vehicles.


In accordance with the provisions of the Texas Education Code, all University students, faculty, staff, and contract employees are required to obtain and properly display a LeTourneau University parking decal from the University Police Department on each motor vehicle in which they frequent University facilities.



Remember LeTourneau University is a "walking campus." Due to its compact structure and close proximity of classrooms to the living facilities and a limited availability of parking, driving motor vehicles to and from classes is strongly discouraged. In order to better facilitate the high volume of pedestrian traffic a "Zone Parking" procedure has been established which requires all students to park in designated areas from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Durham House, Carpenter House, McKinley House, and Howe House parking lots are under parking restriction 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Students and visitors may park at the Solheim Recreational Center after 5 p.m. until 7 a.m., Monday through Friday and on weekends.



The LeTourneau University Student Handbook contains a number of rules for operation of any type of motor vehicle on university property. In addition to the rules that are published in the handbook, all laws of the State of Texas are applicable and enforceable by University Police. While violations observed by University Police are not necessarily recorded in your state driving record, fines can be assessed by the Chief of University Police and attached to your student account. All members of the University Police Department have full enforcement authority of the University whether they are on duty at the time they observe an infraction or not. Faculty and staff members may receive verbal or written warnings as well as citations. Citations will process through the Financial Affairs office and will result in a bill being sent out to the recipient.



Traffic citations may be delivered to the driver or passenger of a motor vehicle at the time of an observed infraction. Citations for parking offenses may be affixed to the windshield or other part of an unattended vehicle in a conspicuous location. Under certain circumstances a citation may be mailed to the owner of a vehicle. In all such cases, the owner of a vehicle is responsible for the payment of all fines associated with his or her vehicle.

Traffic and parking offenses for which a person is cited may be appealed to the Chief of University Police. All appeals must be submitted using the Traffic and Parking Citation Appeal form located at and received by the office of the Chief of University Police within 10 working days of the date of the offense. Appeals received after 10 days will not be considered. The decision of the Chief of University Police concerning the status of a traffic charge may be appealed to the office of the Student Affairs in the same manner as the initial appeal.