The Lower Limb Function Questionnaire (LLFQ) was developed as an outcome measure of lower limb functional ability with the overall goal of universal applicability across cultures, ages (youth through adulthood), and conditions that result in lower limb impairments, e.g., cerebral palsy, spina bifida, trauma. The current version of the LLFQ contains 20 items that focus on universal concerns for lower limb function, e.g., comfort and pain, stability and balance, ability to walk long distances and complete simple tasks. Topics that would be specific to certain cultures, conditions, or ages were not included so as to provide a tool that can be used as a common metric across diverse user groups. Items are worded to focus on the respondent’s current lower limb function and include both performance and non-performance characteristics of function.

The LLFQ may be used clinically to provide feedback on the effectiveness of rehabilitative treatment or assistive devices for individuals with lower limb impairments. This can provide identification of specific strengths and challenges to lower limb function and assist in the planning of well-targeted rehabilitation.

The LLFQ may also be used for research purposes for insight on the strengths and weaknesses of a group of people or differences between two groups of people.



Related Publications

Funk, L., Thiessen, D., Wright, V., Andrysek, J., Rispin, K., (2016). Reliability and validity of the Lower Limb Function Questionnaire when completed by young adult orthotic and prosthetic device users, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology (0) 1-11.

Jan Andrysek, Virginia Wright, Karen Rispin, (2015). Assessing the test-retest reliability of the Lower Limb Function Questionnaire (LLFQ). International Society for Prosthetics Orthotics World Congress. Lyon, France.

Luke Funk, Danielle Thiessen, Virginia Wright, Jan Andrysek, Karen Rispin (2015). Preliminary Construct Validation of the Lower Limb Function Questionnaire. Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, Annual Conference. Denver, CO.