Builld a Wall

Family Time Get-Together

Around God's Word

Week 18

Build a Wall

Play this Concentration type game online

Who in your family can do it the fastest?


Read the Scripture passage

Read Nehemiah 6:15 - 16
(Follow link to BibleGateway.com)

Listen for how the surrounding nations were affected.


Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.


1. What day of the year was the wall finished? The New Living Translation will give the date using
our calendar.

2. How long had it taken the returned exiles to build the wall, from start to finish?

3. How did the Israelites’ enemies react to the news that the walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt?

4. Why did the nations surrounding Israel lose their self-confidence?

5. Who was given credit for Israel’s success, even by their enemies?

6. If you read preceding verses, you can see the troubles they faced. Why might Nehemiah have been tempted to take credit for the success of the construction project?

7. Why is it important for God’s people to realize that in a particular situation it is obvious that God is the source of the victory or the reason for the great accomplishment?

8. What will happen next time when opposition is faced or a seemingly impossible task confronts God’s people?

9. Why is it important for the enemies of the Lord’s work to realize that God is the one who has defeated them and given victory to God’s people?

10. Pray together as a family, thanking God for specific things He has accomplished in your lives this week … little things and big things. Be careful to thank God for all those ways in which He has intervened and displayed His power and authority and love.


View a map of the city wall in Nehemiah's time

Calculate Building Materials for Nehemiah's wall

Watch a video about how to build a stone wall.  If the landscaping in your yard needs a stone wall, work together as a family building a wall.  Think how this compares to what Nehemiah's workers did

Study a sermon about Nemiah the Wall Builder


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