Moses' Blessing

Family Time Get-Together

Around God's Word

Week 12

Moses' Blessing

Read some of these Irish blessings

Discuss which you like the most.

What do you think is most appropriate for you?

Here are some "Blessings Revisited"

Which one do you think is the most humorous?


Read the Scripture passage

Read Numbers 10:33 - 36 (Follow link to

Listen for why Moses declared a blessing 

Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.


1. The Children of Israel were traveling. What evidences of the presence of God went before them?


2. What specific blessings did Moses declare when the people started their journey in the morning?


3. What specific blessings did Moses declare when they ended their trek for the day?


4. The Israelites were headed for an invasion of the land of Canaan. In what kind of “invasion” is the Church today involved?


5. What are some of the enemies of the Church’s invasion?


6. The church today is communicating (locally and abroad) the Good News of Salvation. Pray Moses’ blessing on pastors, youth workers, Sunday school teachers, missionaries, evangelists. Pray that God’s presence will be as obvious to each of them as the cloud and the Ark of the Covenant were to the invading Israelites



View the traditional Irish blessing video.

Put together a similar series of pictures with text overlay which give a blessing.  Make a video* or PowerPoint** show with audio and post to your family web site or to YouTube

Read some of the blessings on this web page.  The author of the page invites people to submit their own blessings.  Write a blessing and send to him.

Write a special blessing for missionaries you may know.  Pray that blessing for them each day.

Parents, write a blessing for your children

Children write a blessing for your parents


* Try Microsoft free Windows Movie Maker

** If you don't have PowerPoint, download Open Office and use Impress

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