A Trap for Jesus

Family Time Get-Together

Around God's Word

Week 14

A Trap for Jesus

Find how Jesus avoided the maze trap

Print the Maze Trap page and solve the maze




Read the Scripture passage

Read Matthew 22:15 – 33 
(Follow link to BibleGateway.com)

Listen for what two groups tried to trap Jesus 

Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.


1. What two groups sought to trap Jesus?

2. What were the two issues with which they confronted Jesus?



3. What answer did Jesus give the first group?

4. According Jesus in verse 29, what was the problem of the second group?

5. What things do we hold that really belong to God?

6. Why are we often reluctant to let God have control of these things?

7. What could you be doing to really “know the scriptures”?

8. What could you be doing to know better and experience more often the power of God?

9. Pray together that you will give to God what He is due. Pray that you will know and apply His word more effectively in your lives and experience His power in all areas of your lives.


Read the logic of a skeptic.  Discuss how you think Jesus would respond.

Read this article on Baptist Interaction with Popular Culture, Traps and Opportunities

Discuss why some of the "ministries" mentioned could become traps

Discuss what opportunities exist in these areas of pop culture

Ask God to help you see opportunities to minister within your culture and to avoid traps which would detract from Christian Witness

Print out and solve the word search puzzle for the Bible study passage

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