The Idol Bowed Down

Family Time Get-Together

Around God's Word

Week 11

The Idol Bowed Down

Where is the Ark?

Read this article from Time Magazine


Read the Scripture passage

Read 1 Samuel 5:1-12 (Follow link to

Listen for why the idol bowed down.. 

Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.


1. The Ark of the Covenant was a tangible object that symbolized the presence of Jehovah God among the Children of Israel. The Philistines captured the Ark. What did they do with it?


2. What did the Philistines find on the first morning after placing the ark in the temple of Dagon?


3. What did the Philistines find the second morning, after standing up their idol once already?


4. If you were among the Philistine leaders or priests, what different causes might you have thought of to explain this phenomenon?


5. What superstition developed within the Philistine temple because of these events?


6. What further misfortune happened to the Philistines while they held the Ark in captivity?


7. Again, if you were among the Philistine political and religious leadership, what thoughts would you be having about keeping this symbol of victory over Israel as a trophy?


8. Consider that sometimes we keep our Christian faith “on the shelf” as a mere trophy. Other things in our lives become more important … they are idols. What might some of those things be?


9. Talk to God and tell Him about things in your lives that try to be more important than He is. Confess these as idols. Ask Him to help you put Him in His rightful place … first place in your life


The Ark was kept in the Tabernacle.  Go to this activity page to learn about other things in the Tabernacle

Do the "Idol Bowed Down Crossword puzzle"

Do the puzzle which scrambles a  verse from the passage



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