Parable of Talents

Family Time Get-Together

Around God's Word

Week 8

Parable of the Talents

How Much Interest

Find out how long, what rate is required to double your money

Use the interest calculator to see how the wise servant did it.

Read the Scripture passage

Matthew 25:14-30  (Follow link to

Be listening for all the things different about the three servants

Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.


1. List the different things about the three servants.

Servant Resources
Use of 
Return to

2. What excuse did the third servant give?

3. How did the master respond to the excuse?

4. Besides money or material possessions, what are some resources God has placed in your care?

5. What thoughts or attitudes cause us to be lazy in carrying out our Christian responsibilities?

6. What are the risks of investing our gifts for God’s service?

7. What encourages you to serve God with your talents?

8. Pray together, asking God what resource you need to commit to Christ’s use at this time in your life. Ask the Lord how you can invest your talents for Him this week.



Make a guess about the worth of a "talent".     Read about what was the true worth of a talent.

Parable of the Talents Word Search Puzzle

Use stick puppets or hand puppets to re-enact this story.  Make sure to make the application of investing our personal resources for God.

Video the production and post it on Youtube, your family web-site  or social network.



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