
Family Time Get-Together

     Around God's Word

Week 4


Concentration - Memory Puzzle

Click on pairs of blocks to find matching words

See who in the family can finish in the shortest amount of time

Read the Scripture passage

Joshua 14:6-14   (Follow link to

Listen for various characters in this story 

Answer the questions to the right

Base your answers on the passage

Printer friendly version of questions.

  1. How old was Caleb at this point in time?

  2. What happened to him when he was 40 years old?

  3. What had Moses promised to Caleb?

  4. What personal claims did Caleb make at what we consider to be "senior citizen" age?

  5. What portion of land did Caleb desire?

  6.  List obstacles Caleb had to face over the 45 years after leaving Egypt and now conquering the promised land?
    1. About Himself?

    2. About fellow Jews?

    3. About the challenge?

  7. What obstacles does your family face in your lives?
    1. About yourselves?

    2. With neighbors, fellow workers?

    3. About your responsibilities?

  8. Maybe you’ve been “slogging along” for some time (although maybe not 45 years) but you need to see the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.  What areas of life might this include?

  9. Talk to God about your obstacles, your challenges, your opportunities.


 Make an acrostic using the letters of Caleb’s name.  Think up words and/or phrases which describe qualities of Caleb’s life (Courageous, Aged, …)

Write a verse of a song about Caleb to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers.  Sing it together and record it to share with extended family members.

Print out and color the page with the picture of Caleb taking the hill country.



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